Overhead Crane Operator Course Outline
Introduction and Logistics
- Safe Operation
- Types of Overhead Cranes
- OSHA Crane Standards
Components and Anatomy
- Supporting Structure
- Wire Rope
- Hoist Machinery
- Hook Block
- Hook Inspection
- Chain Hoist
- Emergency Shut Off
- Suspended Controls
- Electrical System
- Warning Labels
Safe Crane Operator’s Checklist
- Owner’s Manual Review
- Pre-Shift Inspection
- Barricading the Area
- Verbal Warning
- Hoisting
- Bumpers
- Transporting Loads
- Taglines
- Testing the Brakes
- Controlling the Load
- Entering and Exiting the Crane
Rigging Considerations
- Typical Rigging Hardware
- Rigging Hardware Inspection
- Load’s Center of Gravity
- Sling Angles
- Basic Hitches
- Hand Signals